Here’s something you might not know about me. I don’t want to teach yoga.
That probably sounds a little odd considering I just went to Yoga Teacher Training to get certified to teach yoga, and I’m opening a yoga studio in my basement. Why would I make such a crazy statement? I’m glad you asked. Let me explain.
If you’ve read my previous blog on being an introvert, or if you know me very well, then you already know that I can be somewhat shy. I am not the kind of person who thrives on being the center of attention. I dread speaking in front of large groups of people. Giving speeches in school were a nightmare to me. The idea of teaching large or, let’s be honest, even small, groups of people makes my heart go pitty-pat- and not in a good way. And I sweat. Like. A lot. I mean, I really sweat. And my face gets red. And people start to ask me, “Are you okay?” or, my personal favorite, “Did you know you’re sweating?” Yes. Yes, I did know that I was sweating. Thank you for bringing it to my attention, though, so that I can sweat some more.
But in spite of all that, I am so in love with yoga and the benefits it brings to your life, that I still want to share it with the world. And within that sentence lies the key word to what I’m trying to say. I want to share yoga with the world. The yoga classes I envision in my mind are of me sharing what I know about yoga with you. Because when I picture myself teaching yoga… well, I get a little nervous and then it doesn’t sound so great anymore.
I have this vision that I’ve been dreaming of for quite some time now. My dream is to create a yoga community rather than a yoga studio. My yoga studio is just a place where we’ll all meet and practice yoga (and, hopefully, lots of other things) together. But what I really envision for DaNamaste Yoga & Wellness is so much more than that. I want to create a social movement, so to speak, rather than a mere yoga studio. My goal is to cultivate community, creativity, and wellness through yoga, meditation, art, music, and various other educational programs. I want to give people the opportunity to be active participants in their health again. I want to provide a place for people to come and socialize with one another and support one another; something that I believe is sorely lacking in today’s world. I want to spread love and positivity, one human being at a time. And I want to always be learning and growing. And I want all of that for all of you, too.
So many people are lonely in today’s world. I know I am. Social media just doesn’t cut it for me. I’m particularly desperate for socialization after my many years of being a stay-at-home mom. I have four dogs who are with me all the time (and I do mean All. The. Time.) and they’re really great company, but I sometimes need a little more than that. We are social creatures by nature and our physical and mental wellbeing depends on us having social connections. And yet, according to a U.S. News and World Report article I just read, a 2018 study done by health insurer Cigna found that almost half of Americans report feeling alone or left out nearly all of the time, and younger generations feel the most isolated. That’s incredibly sad to me.
I want DaNamaste Yoga & Wellness to be more than just a place you go to for a yoga class. I want everyone who comes to my studio, to feel like they are joining a community. A community where you will find friendship, love, acceptance, support, socialization, learning, health, and wellness.
I’ll be honest with you. I’m still learning yoga. I don’t think there are enough hours in a lifetime to learn everything there is to know about yoga- or about anything, really. But since I’m here anyway, and since you are, too; how about we spend some time together? I want to make every moment count. I am incredibly excited about creating our yoga community and I really hope you’ll join me.